Explore program
Founder and manager, GuitarApp (trading name of Legato Labs Ltd.)
Postdoctoral research associate, School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin
Policy and research manager, Acquired Brain Injury Ireland
Author, musician, songwriter and performer
Research fellow, Trinity College Dublin and Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat), Chile
Account manager, Limelight Communications
Professional cellist; founder and director, Music & Health Ireland
Health economist, Trinity College Dublin
SPHeRE Scholar, School of Public Health, Trinity College Dublin
Founder, Healthy Rural Societies
Independent consultant, Dementia Focus
Postdoctoral researcher, National University of Ireland, Galway
Director, Creative Aging International; producer, Creative Brain Week; arts manager, Irish Hospice Foundation; founder of ArtsandBrain.com
Associate professor in intersectional research methodology, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin
Postdoctoral fellow, Trinity College Dublin
Research assistant professor, Trinity College Dublin
Experimental psychologist and research fellow, University College Dublin
Assistant professor in intellectual disability, Trinity College Dublin