Empowering catalytic communities of emerging leaders to advance fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies.

Empowering catalytic communities of emerging leaders to advance fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies.

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Working together for one common purpose: Equity.

794 Atlantic Fellows are active in over 70 countries. Over the next two decades, the community will grow to more than 2,700.

Atlantic Fellows are active in over

countries. Over the next two decades, the community will grow to more than


Who are Atlantic Fellows?

Atlantic Fellows are leaders, willing and able to navigate and learn from diverse perspectives and complexity on a local and global scale. They are committed to working with and supporting others to achieve individual and collective impact.

80 Countries Strong

The Atlantic Fellows are courageous, compassionate, and collaborative thinkers and doers, who collectively seek to bring lasting improvements to their communities and the world.

Generational impact

Although there has been progress, social and economic inequalities exist across the world with the most endangered groups of people suffering disproportionately. The Atlantic Fellows are constantly working towards more equitable societies. 

A Global Community

794 Atlantic Fellows are active in over 80 countries. Over the next two decades, the community will grow to more than 2,700.

Atlantic Fellows are active in over

countries. Over the next two decades, the community will grow to more than


Health Equity Southeast Asia
Social & Economic Equity
Health Equity South Africa
Health Equity U.S. & Global
Social Equity
Racial Equity
Equity in Brain Health
See All
Health Equity in Southeast Asia
Social & Economic Equity
Health Equity in South Africa
Health Equity U.S & Global
Social Equity
Racial Equity
Equity in Brain Health
Remembering Chuck

In loving memory of Charles (Chuck) F. Feeney whose generosity and spirit touched the hearts of all who knew him and millions more who didn’t, yet whose lives were changed for the better because of him.

READ the
Working together towards one goal

Through seven global, interconnected programs,
Atlantic Fellows collaborate across borders and disciplines to address the root causes of inequity.

Atlantic Fellows are active in over

countries. Over the next two decades, the community will grow to more than



Being Human When Digital

A Wroe, Augmented & Virtual Realities Lead, Atlantic Institute

Alice talks about how the series, Being Digital When Human, was born out of the Atlantic community's exploration of the use of augmented and virtual realities and the ethical issues that raises. As Augmented and Virtual Realities Lead, Alice is concerned with how emerging technologies can strengthen the Atlantic community's collective work of addressing root causes of systemic inequities as well as how the Atlantic community can work together, while physically apart, to become a force for social good.

All Podcasts
Working together towards one goal

Through seven global, interconnected programs,
Atlantic Fellows collaborate across borders and disciplines to address the root causes of inequity.

All Videos

Experience Extended Realities

TKTKTK Find out why Atlantic Fellows are engaging with this emerging technology. Stroll through our 360 Tour of the XR Lab to get a sense of what it's all about!

Augmented Artifact

The Augmented Artifact, co-created by Global Atlantic Fellows who have each completed one of the seven equity-focussed programs, uses phone-based augmented reality to strengthen community and champion creative, collective experience.

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Extended Realities

Find out why Atlantic Fellows are engaging with this emerging technology. Stroll through our 360 Tour of the XR Lab to get a sense of what it's all about!

XR Lab
Atlantic Fellows Newsletter

Expect to see updates in your inbox in the coming weeks.

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