Welcome to the Atlantic Fellows community

Read the profiles of the Atlantic community from all seven programs in ”The Global Community Book (2016-2021)”. The book provides a snapshot of the work of our community in June 2021, showing the diverse experiences and skills of 588 Atlantic Fellows, who are leaders united in pursuit of equity. They work across diverse settings and contexts, and this year COVID-19 has exposed existing inequities giving Fellows a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to combat the worst effects on the most vulnerable communities.

There is also information about the global program staff whose ongoing knowledge exchange and alignment across the different sites benefits the Fellows’ collective work.

At the front of the Book, Christopher Oechsli, Board Chair of the Atlantic Institute, said:" Atlantic Fellows celebrate and pursue possibilities for social change collaboratively, through developing strong connections with values-based organizations and other Fellows in the global Atlantic community. They recognize the power and duty of privilege to respond intelligently, with empathy and a sense of urgency in this time of myriad human needs. Change for the better is not only possible, it is our shared human imperative."

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Welcome to the Atlantic Fellows community

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Read the profiles of the Atlantic community from all seven programs in ”The Global Community Book (2016-2021)”. The book provides a snapshot of the work of our community in June 2021, showing the dive

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Read the profiles of the Atlantic community from all seven programs in ”The Global Community Book (2016-2021)”. The book provides a snapshot of the work of our community in June 2021, showing the diverse experiences and skills of 588 Atlantic Fellows, who are leaders united in pursuit of equity. They work across diverse settings and contexts, and this year COVID-19 has exposed existing inequities giving Fellows a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to combat the worst effects on the most vulnerable communities.

There is also information about the global program staff whose ongoing knowledge exchange and alignment across the different sites benefits the Fellows’ collective work.

At the front of the Book, Christopher Oechsli, Board Chair of the Atlantic Institute, said:" Atlantic Fellows celebrate and pursue possibilities for social change collaboratively, through developing strong connections with values-based organizations and other Fellows in the global Atlantic community. They recognize the power and duty of privilege to respond intelligently, with empathy and a sense of urgency in this time of myriad human needs. Change for the better is not only possible, it is our shared human imperative."