2020-21 Annual Review now published

Strengthening Communities: Annual Review 2020-2021 

Our latest “Annual Review”, published at the end of 2021, offers insight into the purpose, mission and goals of the Atlantic Institute. It summarizes the breadth and scale of activities undertaken by the Atlantic Fellows and staff from across seven Atlantic programs from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021. 

The Institute Executive Director, Evie O’Brien, reflected on a year when the pandemic continued to devastate communities and exacerbate existing inequities. She said: “Over the past 12 months, our entire community has responded in ways that are humbling, compassionate and, most of all, impactful.  Fellows’ global projects (some of which were funded by Solidarity Grants from the Institute) helped mitigate the toll of the pandemic on different fronts in many communities.”

Meanwhile, within the context of the climate emergency and a physical world that is increasingly digital, the Institute sharpened its focus on technologies that could bring community members together while we are physically apart. In collaboration with some of the Fellows, the Institute explored how augmented and virtual realities technologies might also be harnessed to effect narrative change as well as strengthen our sense of community.

Atlantic Fellows led in the design of some events, supported by the Institute. These included events that examined legal tools that might be used by grassroots activists; an exploration of how to the dominant Western narrative around health might be shifted to shine a light on African health policy and systems; and a masterclass on meta-leadership.

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2020-21 Annual Review now published

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Strengthening Communities: Annual Review 2020-2021 Our latest “Annual Review”, published at the end of 2021, offers insight into the purpose, mission and goals of the Atlantic Institute. It summarizes

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Strengthening Communities: Annual Review 2020-2021 

Our latest “Annual Review”, published at the end of 2021, offers insight into the purpose, mission and goals of the Atlantic Institute. It summarizes the breadth and scale of activities undertaken by the Atlantic Fellows and staff from across seven Atlantic programs from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021. 

The Institute Executive Director, Evie O’Brien, reflected on a year when the pandemic continued to devastate communities and exacerbate existing inequities. She said: “Over the past 12 months, our entire community has responded in ways that are humbling, compassionate and, most of all, impactful.  Fellows’ global projects (some of which were funded by Solidarity Grants from the Institute) helped mitigate the toll of the pandemic on different fronts in many communities.”

Meanwhile, within the context of the climate emergency and a physical world that is increasingly digital, the Institute sharpened its focus on technologies that could bring community members together while we are physically apart. In collaboration with some of the Fellows, the Institute explored how augmented and virtual realities technologies might also be harnessed to effect narrative change as well as strengthen our sense of community.

Atlantic Fellows led in the design of some events, supported by the Institute. These included events that examined legal tools that might be used by grassroots activists; an exploration of how to the dominant Western narrative around health might be shifted to shine a light on African health policy and systems; and a masterclass on meta-leadership.